Dave Comer, R.I.P.
I just heard of the passing of this wonderful man, Dave Comer. He was our scout in New Zealand for our shoot for Icebreaker, New Zealand. Although I only worked with him for a week or so, I was profoundly saddened to hear of his death. Partially I suppose it was because he seemed such a strong, vital man, and I thought if anybody could live forever it would be him. Partially it was because he and I are the same age, and his death seemed so premature and wrong. But mostly it was because I was deeply moved by this man. He was a greatly accomplished man, not least of which was he was the one who helped redefine New Zealand as Middle Earth for Peter Jackson's hobbit trilogy. But what I loved the most about this man was his spirit and the way he walked this earth with great kindness and grace and a quiet, endless strength. His death is a tremendous loss, and he will be greatly missed. I wish I could have known him more, and I so wish I could go to his memorial this Wednesday in, appropriately enough, Paradise, New Zealand